Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Real Career Opportunity in the Criminal Justice Field Essay

A Real Career Opportunity in the Criminal Justice Field - Essay Example There are many responsibilities of a real Crime Scene Investigator and it is not, always, like the ones you have seen on television. They have a very relevant and serious position to hold. They are expected to, generally, be available and on-call at all hours, 24 hours a day, when necessary. After all, crime scenes do not necessarily occur between the normal business hours of a typical work day.   They must aid detectives in securing the evidence from contamination, reconstructing events, gathering evidence, photographs, and making certain that  the evidence collected is sent to the correct locations for examination and analysis. A Crime Scene Investigator is, also, required to have strong communication skills, ability to remain composed, and a heightened sense of organization. They are, on occasion, asked to testify in court should the cases they are involved with go to trial. Becoming a Crime Scene Investigator requires a background in criminal justice is important and further education.. However, finding the training needed is available at a large number of schools, as the popularity of the field increased over the last decade.    A Bachelors Degree is attainable and with so much potential growth the education is abundantly worthwhile. Crime Scene Investigation offers a promising income with room for increase and future growth. The United States average for the yearly earnings of Crime Scene Investigator is, approximately, $51,570, which averages to be, just shy of, $25 per hour. In fairness, a new, freshly graduated, CSI would make somewhat less, dependent upon location, with the potential of promotions, as well as, a greater income. The statistics show that there are anticipated career opportunities as a Crime Scene Investigator, along with other positions within the forensic science fields, that will increase, at least, 19% between 2010 and 2020.("Forensic science technicians," 2012) This offers a lot of potential for current students within the fie ld that there is the likelihood that after they have graduated there will still be a steady demand for those graduates with these skills. In this troubled economic time and the continuing United States unemployment crisis, which many people are still suffering through, a future with continuing growth and opportunity is encouraging. There is, also, another advantage to entering the field during its heightened popularity, is that the field will change as technology and the sciences change. Participating in the field now is a wonderful chance to be involved in those changes and possess the most current, advanced, and needed skills within the field. Granted, that Crime Scene Investigation has a lot to offer as a career, but it does have one, particular, negative element that is its only real drawback.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance of Research Paper

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance of Employees - Research Paper Example Electronic monitoring has been defined as "the computerized collection, storage, analysis, and reporting of information about employees productive activities" (Office of Technology Assessment, 1987). Employee monitoring has become much easier with the advent of new and cheap technologies. Electronic Monitoring and surveillance includes practices such as video and audio surveillance, monitoring employees’ usage of computer that includes checking of email, computer files and sometimes even keystroke speed. There are many reasons for instituting monitoring and surveillance. According to the American Management Association some of the main reasons are: performance evaluation, compliance with federal and local laws, protection against legal liability and cost control of the use of company phone and internet. Security and protection of business information can be cited as other reasons. There are several types of employee monitoring and surveillance systems. The most commonly used are 1)computer monitoring :With the help of computer monitoring systems an employer can check an employee’s speed and accuracy, monitor the number of errors, the number of jobs done, time spent away from computer. This information can then be used by the employer to maintain records of an employee’s performance and to set performance standards 2) Video surveillance: Employers use these systems to track employee theft, and wastage of time 3) Phone tapping: This is the most common method of monitoring used by employers. Here the number of calls, the frequency, the length and destination of the calls are all recorded. This information is then used to detect if an employee is passing on critical information about the organization to outsiders and to train employees for better customer service. 4) E-mail and Voice Mail tracking: In some workplaces employers monitor an employees e -mail and voice mail. With the help of new technologies, employers can easily track